Overcoming Anxiety When You Begin Dating Again

couple drinking coffee holding hands

Maybe you recently went through a break-up or separated from your spouse. Or perhaps you simply felt tired of dating for a while, so you decided to take a break. Now, you’re getting ready to start dating again. Yet as you prepare to dive back into the world of dating, you start feeling apprehensive. You wonder if you’ll ever meet the right person for you, or if facing rejection again is too much for your heart to take. Even if you do happen to connect with someone you’re interested in, you’re too nervous to ask them out on a date.

You don’t have to live with anxiety over dating forever. Here’s how to deal with these worries and develop a healthier attitude towards dating.

Take It Slow

There’s no rush to schedule dates every weekend or ask out anyone who seems remotely interesting. Wait until you’ve found someone who really clicks with you, and ask them if they would like to go on a date. When you know that you already get along with someone, the prospect of spending more time with them will sound exciting, not intimidating! You can be patient when it comes to dating. You don’t have to hurry to find the right person immediately.

Remember, Rejection Isn’t Personal

couple eating breakfast together holding hands

When you’re dating, it’s inevitable that you’ll face rejection at some point. Yes, rejection hurts. But at the end of the day, it’s just a normal and unavoidable part of life. It’s important to remember that rejection is often not about any anything specific that you said or did. People have their own specific preferences and needs based on their lifestyles and goals for the future. You can’t fit into everyone’s box or be everyone’s type – and that’s okay! Ideally, you want to find someone who loves you for who you are, not someone who hopes you’ll change.

Keep Your Single Life Fun

Just because you’ve started dating again doesn’t mean that your entire life has to be consumed by the search for romance. Make sure to continue scheduling plans with your friends regularly, and keep up with your own hobbies, too. You don’t want to sacrifice who you are because you’re dating again. Plus, ensuring that you have a fun and fulfilling life, whether you’re sharing it with a partner or not, can help you stay grounded while dating.

Plan Engaging Dates

If you were making plans for your own free time, how would you spend it? Think about your answers to this question as you plan your next date. By planning out dates that you would genuinely enjoy even if you were solo, you’ll feel confident going into the date – and even if it doesn’t pan out as you had originally hoped, you won’t feel like you wasted your time! Just make sure to choose an activity that your date will like, too.

Process Your Emotions

couple with dog having coffee together outdoors

Maybe you’re dealing with lots of complicated emotions right now, and you’re not sure how to cope with these anxieties and continue dating. You might even feel tempted to give up because of these worries. Finding a way to process your feelings can help. You may want to write in a journal after coming home from your dates. This is a good way to express yourself in private.

Furthermore, you could consider talking to a therapist. A therapist can help you identify the roots of your dating anxieties and guide you through finding balance in life as you keep dating.

Are you struggling to overcome anxiety about dating again? Talking to a therapist can help. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session for anxiety treatment.


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