Depression Therapy

Do You Feel Too Depressed To Enjoy Your Life?

Are you struggling with a lack of energy and motivation?

Deep down, do you feel like you’re just not satisfied with who you are?

Has depression started to affect every area of your life? 

Maybe you look put together on the outside, but on the inside you feel sad, empty, and deeply alone. When you compare your life to other people’s and see their happy photos all over social media, it feels like you’re the only one struggling. For the first time, you may be considering a depression therapist. 

Depression Often Goes Hand In Hand With Burnout

It can make you so exhausted that you just want to curl up and sleep the day away. There could be a major life transition that’s contributing to your depression and burnout, such as going off to college, exploring the dating world, changing careers, or dealing with a breakup. Eventually, these changes could make you feel depleted. You might feel run-down from being spread so thin and being there for so many people. 

Over time, depression can affect your sleep, appetite, and overall health. If this is the case, I encourage you to pursue depression therapy with me. By giving you a safe space to be your authentic self and experience acceptance, I’m confident that I can help you improve your mood and heal the emotional wounds at the root of depression.

Depression Is A Universal Struggle

woman dancing alone

It’s one of the most common mental health conditions and it can come at all different stages of life—heading off to college, starting over in a new state, marriage, postpartum, divorce, menopause, losing a loved one, becoming an empty nester, etc. Sometimes it’s the result of traumatic experiences and other times it’s more genetic in nature. 

In today’s world, depression is the inevitable result of taking on too much, not being able to set boundaries, thinking the grass is greener on the other side, as well as a consumer society that teaches us to be discontent with what we have. We’re taught that material things and relationships define our self-worth. As a result, we’re constantly seeking external validation and looking outside of ourselves to find happiness. But since true happiness is found within, we’re always left dissatisfied.

People With Depression Often Feel Like They Can’t Be Their Authentic Selves

Many of them grew up in environments where their needs, wants, and boundaries weren’t taken seriously. This leads them to feel like everyone else’s needs come before theirs and they need to keep giving without receiving. But the more they sacrifice for others, the more burnt out they become and the less space they have for self-care.

Therapy is a chance to prioritize self-care and step away from all the demands on your shoulders. Although it’s good to care for others, it’s equally important that you set aside time for yourself.

Therapy Can Help You Overcome Depression And Embrace Who You Are

You deserve a place where you can be your authentic self unreservedly and not have to worry about disappointing others. That’s what therapy provides. With me, you don’t have to hold up a certain image. I’ll give you a safe and empowering space to process your feelings, work through negative beliefs, and learn to love yourself as you are. 

What To Expect In Depression Counseling Sessions

Together, you and I will explore your thought patterns, core beliefs, and the messages that may have led you to feel like you’re not good enough. What relationships taught you that your needs don’t matter? What experiences made you feel small and unimportant? Answering these questions can help us get to the root of your depression and understand the events that preceded it. 

Additionally, I want to help you question your need to go, go, and go, allowing you to slow down and make time for reflection. Doing so allows you to get in touch with your needs and connect with your internal world. You’ll learn to show yourself the same care and attention that you show to others. This is especially helpful if your depression stems from relationship issues and you’re used to sacrificing your needs for the sake of others. 

Tailoring Your Depression Treatment Plan

I take a very solution-focused approach to therapy. I’ll give you practical strategies for regulating your emotions, challenging negative thoughts, and improving your self-confidence. Once you feel more confident in who you are, it’s easier to connect with others and break out of the isolating behaviors that reinforce depression. 

I also use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to treat depression. CBT can help you overcome cognitive distortions like “I’m not good enough” or “My needs aren’t important.” It can help you question the negative things you tell yourself and form a healthier, more realistic perspective on your situation.

Ultimately, I believe I can help you feel less lonely and isolated and more joyful and empowered. Working together, we can figure out which areas of your life need to be improved so that you can manage your symptoms and boost your sense of self-worth.

You May Have Some Questions About Depression Therapy…

Why can’t I work through depression on my own?

On your own, you’re limited to one perspective. A therapist can help you achieve a fresh perspective and provide more insight into how your depression came to be. Since I’m looking at your situation from the outside, I can form a more objective outlook and draw in factors you may not have considered. After all, there are often events that seem miniscule but are actually significant. That’s the beauty of therapy—it can help you connect the dots between past experiences and present struggles.

How will depression therapy improve my mood and change my thinking?

I can help you find happiness by feeling less trapped and more empowered to connect with others. I can also help you achieve a healthier balance in life so that you’re not burnt out and you have more room for self-care. Depression has a way of making you feel like change is impossible, but with the right care and support, you absolutely can find healing and relief.

What if therapy is too much time and money?

In today’s society, many of us are comfortable spending lots of money on material possessions, entertainment, beauty products, alcohol, self-help books, and other things that don’t ultimately benefit our mental health. But if your mental health is good, every other facet of your life is generally better. Depression therapy is a chance to invest in the most important aspect of your life: your own wellbeing. 

Let Me Help You Get To The Root Of Your Depression

Together, I believe we can identify what’s causing your symptoms and break the stronghold depression has on your life. To begin the healing process, you can choose from the options below to schedule an appointment.

I provide depression therapy for clients in Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Virginia, Florida and Washington, DC. 

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